Wednesday, April 14, 2010


12 Years ago, Captain Moore, after having finished a race, was sailing from Hawaii to CA. He decided to take a route that is rarely traveled. Half way home he was completely astonished! As he looked around him, he realized that the sea was completely full of plastic! I know this sounds like a nightmare, but unfortunately this is reality.

Sadly, it took 12 years for the first scientific expedition to take place. Last July Scripps Institute partnered with Seaplex ( and commandeered this investigation. Check out their research: Their preliminary findings? "IT IS MUCH WORSE THAN WE EXPECTED!" I could hardly breathe when I read the next line, "BUT WE BELIEVE THAT THE PLASTIC GARBAGE PATCH IN THE SOUTH PACIFIC IS EVEN BIGGER!" - Wait a minute. Now you are telling me there are 2 GARBAGE PATCHES IN THE OCEAN? What does this mean for the surrounding areas? How big are these plastic garbage patches? Well, it turns out that the estimates for the North Pacific Garbage Patch are 1 1/2 times the size of the continental United States - and no, that is NOT a typo. And as far as hurting the surrounding areas, well, plastic is killing us all (more on that later) and certainly altering life in the sea. Ocean creatures see plastic and think "FOOD" - and all too often this "FOOD" ends up killing them.

Plankton, you see, are the basic building blocks of the ocean. In fact, the majority of the oxygen we breath comes from plankton in the ocean. Now, in the N. Pacific Garbage Patch, it has been reported that there are 6 TIMES THE AMOUNT OF PLASTIC TO PLANKTON! Plastic is replacing food - it is altering the sexes of organisms - this is a very very bad thing.

Now for the bad part - it is suspected that there are actually 5 GARBAGE PATCHES IN THE WORLD! Confirmed so far - N Pacific (N Pacific Gyre), S Pacific and Atlantic Garbage Patch.
So, if this is really happening, why don't we know about it? Why don't they talk about it on the news? Hmmm, very good questions. Let's see, what is plastic made of? Oh yeah, OIL! HMMM.

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